Jenny Nordic Skincare Blog

Gua Sha Facials with Jenny

Gua Sha Facials with Jenny

Hello all my lovely readers! I have exciting news to share so today's blog is a slightly different from my usual content. I now offer holistic gua sha treatments within...

Gua Sha Facials with Jenny

Hello all my lovely readers! I have exciting news to share so today's blog is a slightly different from my usual content. I now offer holistic gua sha treatments within...

Perimenopause Breakouts

Perimenopause Breakouts

Why Perimenopause Breakouts Happen When oestrogen and progesterone levels start to shift and testosterone levels rise during perimenopause, this can cause changes in the skin. While testosterone is essential for...

Perimenopause Breakouts

Why Perimenopause Breakouts Happen When oestrogen and progesterone levels start to shift and testosterone levels rise during perimenopause, this can cause changes in the skin. While testosterone is essential for...

Travel Set Jenny Nordic Skincare

Why You Need to Layer Your Skincare

I'm certain you've heard of layering skincare before. But what is it and why you need to layer your skincare? What are the benefits? Today, let's dive deep into the...

Why You Need to Layer Your Skincare

I'm certain you've heard of layering skincare before. But what is it and why you need to layer your skincare? What are the benefits? Today, let's dive deep into the...

5 Pro Tips for 40+ Skin

5 Pro Tips for 40+ Skin

Have you noticed more changes in your skin after you've turned 40? Embracing the changes is the first step toward radiant and healthy skin. We believe in our well-ageing philosophy that...

5 Pro Tips for 40+ Skin

Have you noticed more changes in your skin after you've turned 40? Embracing the changes is the first step toward radiant and healthy skin. We believe in our well-ageing philosophy that...

Frosty leaves on the ground

Festive Season Self-Care: Nourish Your Skin and...

The holiday season is upon us, and balancing the festivities, family, work, and daily life can be quite the juggling act. Taking some time off and forgetting about the perfection can...

Festive Season Self-Care: Nourish Your Skin and...

The holiday season is upon us, and balancing the festivities, family, work, and daily life can be quite the juggling act. Taking some time off and forgetting about the perfection can...

Morning sun reflections on white curtains

A Mindful Morning Routine for Longevity

Do your mornings feel stressful and busy? Like there's not enough time and patience in the world and you feel exhausted by the time you've dropped the kids off. Are...

A Mindful Morning Routine for Longevity

Do your mornings feel stressful and busy? Like there's not enough time and patience in the world and you feel exhausted by the time you've dropped the kids off. Are...